About Us


Estelle Elizabeth

Passionate of figure skating since age 4, I started my adventures on ship in 2017 after 10 years of competition. Little did I know I would found my better half along the way. When I’m not on the ice you for sure can find me reading a good book!


Martin Rappe

I started figure skating at a young age. After a good and successful 19 years of competition I found myself on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship as a show skater. After 2 years, I found the Love of my life and since then we are travelling the world together. It’s unlikely that I would found love in books but I found it in playing darts which is my second passion!

Our Story

  • When We First Met

    September 2019, Tampa Florida

    Our story starts in 2019 as we are about to board the Mariner of the Seas where we would be together for the next 5 months.

  • First Date

    October 2019, Mariner of the Seas

    It didn’t take long for us to like each other and enjoy spending time together. After a first date at Jamie’s, one of the restaurant onboard we decided that we wanted to continue the journey together and started dating.

  • Proposal

    November 2 2021, Mariner of the Seas

    2 years later, Martin decided to propose. After weeks of stress waiting for the ring to arrive onboard the day finally came! Martin propose to Estelle in the same restaurant of their first date on Mariner of the Seas.

The Venue

We have the pleasure to welcome you at Château de Mairy for ...

The Cocktail Hour

The Dinner

The Party

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